Theatre Policies
As this is a historic building, theater seating is available for patrons using wheelchairs on Level One only. Please order wheelchair seating in advance. Audio enhancement devices are available free of charge at all performances (subject to availability). See the House Manager or the Coat Check attendant to obtain a device. For further information on Accessible Tickets, CLICK HERE.
Oversized bags, luggage, and backpacks may not be permitted inside the venue. Bags must not exceed the dimensions of 12 inches (length) x 12 inches (width) x 6 inches (depth). This size limitation applies to all bags, with exceptions pertaining to medical necessity or diaper bags. All bags and persons are subject to inspection before entering the theatre.
The use of cameras and recording devices are permitted on a show-by-show basis. Please refer to the specific show's event page for more information.
Lexington Opera House no longer accepts cash as a form of payment. Acceptable forms of payment include all major credit cards (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa) and mobile payments (Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay).
Some full-length musicals and plays may not be appropriate for or hold the attention of young children. The house management staff may request a restless child and parent to quietly exit to the lobby during the performance. Broadway Live performances are not recommended for children under the age of seven. For fire code compliance, every person in attendance must have a ticket. A limited number of booster seats are available for patrons seated on the Orchestra level. Booster seats may be requested through an usher on a first-come-first-served basis.
Emergency exits are indicated by red-light signs. In the event of a fire or other emergencies, proceed calmly to the exit nearest you. Doors with “exit only” signs will lead you out of, and not back into, the building.
The facility is within a School Zone (18 U.S.C.922). Firearm possession is prohibited except for those authorized to carry weapons by the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
As a courtesy to our audience and performers, latecomers will be seated only by an usher at an interval established by each performing group. Please be aware of curtain times! Lexington is in the Eastern Time Zone.
Please contact the Operations Manager at (859) 233-4567 for all lost and found inquiries.
The Lexington Opera House has a strict No Re-Entry Policy. Once you have scanned your ticket and entered the lobby, you will not be able to re-enter if you leave before the show is over.
For most shows we sell soft drinks, bottled water, mixed drinks, beer, wine, and we also offer a variety of snack items. Some promotions, especially those events presented by a school system, request that alcohol NOT be offered in our concessions. In those instances, we restrict alcohol sales in preference of keeping the ‘family’ event atmosphere.
In accordance with Section 14.97 of the Municipal Code of the LFUCG, the Lexington Center Corporation/Opera House is a smoke-free facility. Additionally, LCC prohibits the use of E-cigarettes inside its facilities.